Solving Iris' "time sickness" will be huge part of the entire season and have big ramifications for Barry and Iris' relationship and marriage. Iris' "time sickness" will be addressed and clarified after Armageddon. Iris will have "many exciting things to deal with" as a journalist. Bart Allen, Nora West-Allen, Sue Dearbon, and Jay Garrick will return. Villains from the previous seven seasons will return in unexpected ways to make Barry and Iris' life "a living nightmare.". Mia Queen and Damien Darhk will appear in the crossover. This season will start with a special " five-episode event" that will feature different heroes and villains from across the Arrowverse and have a crossover-type feel. Tom Cavanagh as Professor Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash/The Flash. Danielle Nicolet as Defense Attorney Cecile Horton. Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash/Reverse-Flash. But their victory is short-lived as two new threats rise from the ashes of " Armageddon," one of which will unleash unforeseen horrors into the lives of Barry and his teammates. Runk and retired detective Joe West-must once again defy impossible odds to save the day. But when the powerful alien Despero unleashes near annihilation on Central City, The Flash and his team- Caitlin Snow/ Frost, Meta-Empath Cecile Horton, the light-powered meta Allegra Garcia, brilliant tech-nerd Chester P. After stopping the Godspeed War last season, it's six months later and Barry and Iris West-Allen are now at the top of their game-both in their careers as superhero and reporter and as a devoted couple.
bestowing him with superspeed and making him the fastest man alive - The Flash. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark-matter lightning storm that struck Barry. But his life changed forever when the S.T.A.R. Synopsis Barry Allen lived a normal life as a perpetually tardy C.S.I.